Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assignment 1

Welcome Everybody,

I will not reveal to much information about myself except that my name is Auguste and my nickname is juice and I am in grade 8 in an elementary school in Ontario .I will be doing a history blog online and will stay online a long time. My favourite sport (and best) is soccer and my favourite food (although I generally eat healthy foods) are hot dogs and my favourite drink is a Shirley temple. I run 3 kilometres from school (not to school anymore because i think it stunts my growth) and try to exercise all that I can. I like helping my community and strive to go to medical school after I get a bachelors degree in biology. Please write comments if you find this is interesting also if you would like to see my teacher: Ms Pollocks blog click here: http://historypollock.blogspot.com/ .


Auguste said...

I am also a grade 8 student in Ontario Canada.

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Auguste,

Things are looking good here. Please add a link to my blog. You can always go back in and edit posts.

Anonymous said...

Hey guse!! daz wasup!!!! i like your blog :)

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Auguste,

Make sure to go to my blog and follow all instructions in this assignment. You have introduced yourself, but you have not followed all instructions. Go back and check, please.