Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assigment # 3 predictions for the future.

I think that in the future politically there will be much less countries than there are these days. I also think that there will be fewer religions and less discrimination being it racial or sexual. I think technology will be much more advanced( more than people that wrote this assignment predicted) and technology will be the basis of our lives. I think there will be around 8 billion people on this planet and people will look more alike(in terms of skin colour,physique, hair colour, eye colour, etc.), another thing that I would like to predict for 100 years in the future is that there will be many more sports but high concentrations of people that like the sport in a selected few.


Anonymous said...

thank you for following my blog so will i your really is thoughtful and you put alot of time in it.


Anonymous said...

sorry i typerd to fast what i meant to say was your prediction is thoughtful and you put alot of time in it.

Zaryab said...

Good overall blog with nice facts, good comments and you followed the instructions and I believe you are much like other students I commented on.(Timmy, Tale,Fatima,Maryan,and along with other blogs too) Try to add examples. Nice job and summary of prediction.
Yours Truly, A man with a plan,
Zaryab Syed

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Auguste,

Again - have a look at the assignment requirements. You have some good ideas, but did not follow all directions. Also, please SPELL CHECK before publishing.